Acting Workshop

A very popular and exciting class, the acting workshop fulfills the needs of members who might have had a genuine interest in the theater at one time but chose to pursue other careers.  It also affords an opportunity for others to explore a totally new avenue of expression.  We have a very comprehensive acting program comprised of  basic acting techniques using acting exercises, improvisation, scene study and monologues.  The class includes lessons in observation, concentration, characterization and stage movement.  While learning the basic approach to acting, the class helps members feel more comfortable in front of an audience and, as it turns out, is also a lot of fun!  Started in 1998, the acting workshop is one of the longest running classes at Quest along with Opera and Shakespeare.

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The coordinators both come from professional backgrounds:


  • Marilyn Rosen was an English major but studied at various drama schools throughout the city including The American Academy of Dramatic Arts,  Herbert Berghoff School with Herbert Berghoff,  La Mama ETC  where she also performed.  She performed Off-Broadway, summer stock,  and worked extensively with  a regional theatre on  Long Island where she acted, directed, and  began to teach.  She ultimately taught children, teens, and adults, ran a teen repertory theater for the Town of Oyster Bay and directed  for many theatres throughout  Long Island.


  • Panny King graduated from The American Musical Dramatic Academy in New York and DenisonUniversity with a major in theater.   As a professional singer-actor she toured the country performing in numerous musicals, recorded with the contemporary classical group The Gregg Smith Singers and sang in many New York City choruses.

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